Wednesday, November 12, 2008

like seriously...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
i wonder how long does it take to send a simple text message??
maybe a minute or so??
or maybe a little less than that??

but somehow it takes ages to reply messages!
i know that the reception is bad.. and i know you have classes..

but still!!

can't you just send me a message before you head to class??
or maybe just send me a message when you are out for lunch??
or just a 'i'm busy now.. talk to you later'??

somehow you never do...

i am always hanging there waiting for a reply..
at least bother to end the conversation..
i always have to ask..
it's not fun waiting..
i never make you wait unless i fall asleep..

is it really that hard for anyone to do the same??
i give up....