Friday, December 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Just as I get over one matter another creeps up from nowhere and slaps me in the face.. as I was making my way back to how things were life decided to do a 180 on me..
Over the past month I realised that I have been sad and depressed one moment and then bounce back to seemingly happy the next moment so much that my body is used to it.. my eyes are never swollen from crying anymore.. I can work for a full day + more on just 2.5hours… and the worse part is that I can go for a whole day on just a sip of water and barely half a bowl of noodles… and yet no one knows what I’m going thru....
Stress is the worse thing that can happen to me.. it causes me to dip into depression.. and when that happens all the essential things in life become non-essential anymore.. eating is meaningless as my body automatically gets rid of it in less than 2hours of eating it.. sleep is never a choice.. it’s either I cant fall asleep or there’ll be nightmares all nite long.. driving is dangerous because half the time I wont be concentrating.. work sucks.. cz I’m not doing much and that gives me more time to be depressed..
When will my life sort itself back to normal?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
A little kid on radio said, if the guy you like is not paying attention to you, go up to him and say, "Spend some time with me, boy!"
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
If u start at 16... Even if u hav excellent musicality.. U cn neva be professional... coz no muscle build up...
"O.o.. Dunno... Me wan rest abit k? Muahx..."
"hello.. the number you called is unavailable.. please try again later..."
what happened to my blogger?
हाउ ला॥
एवेर्य्थिंग कोमेस आउट लिखे थिस इन्स्टाद॥
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I love you more today than I loved you yesterday
Small things that you do, or don't do hurts me so much.. but when I tell you it seems like i'm in the wrong for saying it.. I don't know.. maybe it's only me that is being overly sensitive and whatever that has been going on is totally acceptable by everyone else on this planet..
parent's have been saying that I am too thin and want me to go see a doctor about it.. it's not like I have an eating disorder.. I really don't.. I still eat healthy portions plus more! Haiz..
life please go back to the way things were..
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The boyfriend every girl wants...
When she misses you - [ she's hurting inside ]
When she says its over - [ she STILL wants you to be hers ]
When she re-posts this bulletin - [ she wants you to read it ]
When she walks away from you mad - [ Follow her]
When she stare's at your mouth - [ Kiss her ]
When she pushes you or hit's you - [ Grab her and don’t let go ]
When she starts cursing at you - [ Kiss her and tell her you love her ]
When she ignores you - [ Give her your attention]
When she pulls away - [ Pull her back ]
When you see her at her worst - [ Tell her she's beautiful ]
When you see her start crying - [Just hold her and don’t say a word ]
When you see her walking - [ Sneak up and hug her waist from behind ]
When she's scared - [ Protect her ]
When she lays her head on your shoulder - [ Tilt her head up and kiss her ]
When she steals your favorite hat - [ Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she teases you - [ Tease her back and make her laugh ]
When she doesn’t answer for a long time - [ reassure her that everything is okay ]
When she looks at you with doubt - [ Back yourself up with the TRUTH]
When she says that she likes you - [ she really does more than you could understand ]
When she grabs at your hands - [ Hold hers and play with her fingers ]
When she bumps into you - [ bump into her back and make her laugh ]
When she tells you a secret - [ keep it safe and untold ]
When she looks at you in your eyes - [ don’t look away until she does ]
- Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything
- DON'T let her have the last word
- DON'T call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is soo much better
- Say you love her more than she could ever love you
- Argue that she is the best girl ever
- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go
- When she says she's OK don’t believe it, talk with her
- because 10 yrs later she'll remember you
- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her
- Call her before you sleep and after you wake up
- Treat her like she's all that matters to you
- Tease her and let her tease you back
- Stay up all night with her when she's sick
- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid
- Give her the world
- Let her wear your clothes
- When she's bored and sad, hang out with her
- Let her know she's important
- Kiss her in the pouring rain
- When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is;
"Who's ass am I kicking today baby?"
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Random-ness at KLPac
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
though i am not feeling it yet i wonder how i'm going to survive today?
i wish i could just tell my boss i need a day off.. just to have a day to myself to be alone and sort things out... haiz...
at the moment my life is as volatile as the stock market.. it's steadily climbing up when i am slowly sliding down...
can't wait for january to come to be immersed in studies... need distractions to pull me away from where i am now...

Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Husbands, do you remember the last time you hugged your wife and told them you loved them?And how is it that you can't remember that but you can go around hugging other people's wives
Saturday, November 7, 2009
6 nov 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
eat yummy food for lunch!
i tell you the people i go eat with really know how to enjoy.. they can bring you to the fanciest places for buffet lunches and club sandwiches as well as the smallest (or not so small) stalls to eat good hokkien mee and sweet and sour prawns..
oh.. and being the youngest, whenever there is leftover it is passed on to yours truly..
go spa
get stuck in 2 hour jam
2 hours in a jam is nothing most of the time when you live/work in the city.. but this time the jam was bad... first of all the trip only takes bout 15-25minutes on a regular day basis.. and all along the way there were at least 5 cars that broken down.. 3 or was it 4 cars broke down less than 20meters apart.. =.= the worse part was when i thought we were getting close to the normally-relatively heavy-but-moving traffic area.. the cops were there.. with their car parked right across the lane.. haiz.. stupid cops.. the road was totally empty behind them... sobz...
have a day trip to penang
i only went to the penang on mainland.. didn't get to the island to eat yummy yummy food.. even so i was still stuffed by the time i got home... had super big prawns.. all yummy yummy non-the-less.. and i am not a big fan of prawns...
ice skate
woohoo!! at last i went ice-skating after church with timmy~ was fun but super tiring on my legs.. + the first pair of skates didn't fit that well.. making my toes all numb.. boo the person who gave me a size too small.. O! there were many 'pro'-skaters there showing off lo.. mean mean people that scare me like crazy when they whoosh past me from out of nowhere... then there are those people that sit on the ice more than they skate.. those people also very scary... all of a sudden you'll see one of them sitting rite in the middle of your path.. and being a noob in skating i obviosly dunno how to avoid them and end up sitting on the ice next to them the many times that i wasn't clinging on to timmy..... =.= haiz.. gotta get my cousins to teach me how to skate-steer-and stop... XD
any suggestions?
thinking negatively has a positive side!
don't believe me?
now i can tell my mom that i should maintain how i think instead of switching it to the other extreme..
Friday, October 30, 2009
solitude ain't so bad...
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
can i borrow a shoulder?
Monday, October 5, 2009
why cannot one?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
since i got nothing to do i google stuff...
This version of ISTP seems more like me..
read on and be the judge of that... muahahhaahh
The Mechanic
As an ISTP, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you deal with things rationally and logically. Your secondary mode is external, where you take things in via your five senses in a literal, concrete fashion.
ISTPs have a compelling drive to understand the way things work. They're good at logical analysis, and like to use it on practical concerns. They typically have strong powers of reasoning, although they're not interested in theories or concepts unless they can see a practical application. They like to take things apart and see the way they work.
ISTPs have an adventuresome spirit. They are attracted to motorcycles, airplanes, sky diving, surfing, etc. They thrive on action, and are usually fearless. ISTPs are fiercely independent, needing to have the space to make their own decisions about their next step. They do not believe in or follow rules and regulations, as this would prohibit their ability to "do their own thing". Their sense of adventure and desire for constant action makes ISTPs prone to becoming bored rather quickly.
ISTPs are loyal to their causes and beliefs, and are firm believers that people should be treated with equity and fairness. Although they do not respect the rules of the "System", they follow their own rules and guidelines for behavior faithfully. They will not take part in something which violates their personal laws. ISTPs are extremely loyal and faithful to their "brothers".
ISTPs like and need to spend time alone, because this is when they can sort things out in their minds most clearly. They absorb large quantities of impersonal facts from the external world, and sort through those facts, making judgments, when they are alone.
ISTPs are action-oriented people. They like to be up and about, doing things. They are not people to sit behind a desk all day and do long-range planning. Adaptable and spontaneous, they respond to what is immediately before them. They usually have strong technical skills, and can be effective technical leaders. They focus on details and practical things. They have an excellent sense of expediency and grasp of the details which enables them to make quick, effective decisions.
ISTPs avoid making judgments based on personal values - they feel that judgments and decisions should be made impartially, based on the fact. They are not naturally tuned in to how they are affecting others. They do not pay attention to their own feelings, and even distrust them and try to ignore them, because they have difficulty distinguishing between emotional reactions and value judgments. This may be a problem area for many ISTPs.
An ISTP who is over-stressed may exhibit rash emotional outbursts of anger, or on the other extreme may be overwhelmed by emotions and feelings which they feel compelled to share with people (often inappropriately). An ISTP who is down on themself will foray into the world of value judgments - a place which is not natural for the ISTP - and judge themself by their inability to perform some task. They will then approach the task in a grim emotional state, expecting the worst.
ISTPs are excellent in a crisis situations. They're usually good athletes, and have very good hand-eye coordination. They are good at following through with a project, and tying up loose ends. They usually don't have much trouble with school, because they are introverts who can think logically. They are usually patient individuals, although they may be prone to occasional emotional outbursts due to their inattention to their own feelings.
ISTPs have a lot of natural ability which makes them good at many different kinds of things. However, they are happiest when they are centered in action-oriented tasks which require detailed logical analysis and technical skill. They take pride in their ability to take the next correct step.
ISTPs are optimistic, full of good cheer, loyal to their equals, uncomplicated in their desires, generous, trusting and receptive people who want no part in confining commitments.
Jungian functional preference ordering:
Dominant: Introverted Thinking
Auxiliary: Extraverted Sensing
Tertiary: Introverted Intuition
Inferior: Extraverted Feeling
ISTPs generally have the following traits:
- Interested in how and why things work
- Do not function well in regimented, structured environments; they will either feel stifled or become intensely bored
- Constantly gather facts about their environment and store them away
- Have an excellent ability to apply logic and reason to their immense store of facts to solve problems or discover how things work
- Learn best "hands-on"
- Usually able to master theory and abstract thinking, but don't particularly like dealing with it unless they see a practical application
- Action-oriented "doers"
- Focused on living in the present, rather than the future
- Love variety and new experiences
- Highly practical and realistic
- Excellent "trouble-shooters", able to quickly find solutions to a wide variety of practical problems
- Results-oriented; they like to see immediate results for their efforts
- Usually laid-back and easy-going with people
- Risk-takers who thrive on action
- Independent and determined - usually dislike committing themselves
- Usually quite self-confident
contingency plans!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
i am an ISTP!!
This lists represent careers and jobs people of your type tend to enjoy doing. The job requirements are similar to the personality tendencies of your personality type. It is important to remember that this is not a list of all the jobs possible. And it is very important to remember that people can, and frequently do, fill jobs that are dissimilar to their personality... this happens all the time...and sometimes works out quite well.
fire fighter
private investigator
police officer
purchasing agent - buy buy buy~ should be fun.. i wan!!!
chiropractor - if can work on myself then i wan la.. cz my body is in knots..
medical technician
securities analyst - which is almost what i am gonna do soon.. coincidence?
computer repair person
race car driver - ooo.. interesting... but i'm scared of accidents.. O.o
computer programmer
electrical engineer
legal secretary
coach/trainer - teacher is considered this a?
commercial artist - me perform? serious? hahahaha...
carpenter - i can barely saw a plank in half properly... =/
dental assistant
radiological technician
marine biologist
software developer
Thursday, October 1, 2009
me <3 chocs
i am tired... very tired..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Goth blog~
Sept 2009
I give up!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Diploma.. AT? LT? Yes? No?
31st August 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
no boss = fun~
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
only one day left....
Monday, August 17, 2009
i miss my life...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
my take on the people i work with....
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
that day when i asked karen to tell me if i lost too much weight, karen said yes..
and so did my parent when i mentioned it to them...
but tim says i'm ok...
and my bro says that i didnt lose much...
but i'm eating more then usual nowadays...
gotta avoid losing weight though..
i dont want to end up looking old and haggard....
but how?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
i dun wanna play anymore....
and the result of that is that my playing has gone downhill...
all the way down till i cant even play a D minor scale properly...
and i have to perform soon..
how how how??
i think most probably i'l take this concert as my last for the time being..
i rather not play than play badly..
it's not like they need me..
now i just gotta find a way to tell the conductor i dont wanna play without him killing me...