there were 6 new students in the past month and guess how many students i got???
the *obvious* reason why i never got any new students is because 'tauke neo' wants me to stay in the admin part of the business to do all the calls n deal with the clients she doesn't want to talk to...
but now i'm gonna get new students~
i talked to my boss about my student-less situation and he has set a list of students to be assigned to me as soon as possible..
thats 4-6 students!!
happy happy~~
but all my 'happiness' still depends on the 'tauke neo'...
she has to 'liase' with me..
lets see how long its gonna take for her to come talk to me... =/
i don't think this matter would be on the top of her to-do list....
but i will try my best to (in the most polite/discreet/not annoying way) talk to her about passing the students over to me~
anyone know how?? can teach me how to be subtle yet get the message through??
n i think most probably.. bout 99.999% chance that i would have to call the students myself to tell them that they are no longer learning with my boss...
but isn't that a bit odd??
your new teacher calling you to tell you that you are now under me not him?? O.O
lol.. dun care la..
as long as i get my students i don't care if i gotta make senseless calls...
but i'm sure of one thing..
tauke neo will try to work me to the bone knowing that my working hours are shorter with the teaching coming along...
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